Gods Love
Gods Love
Gods Love
Gods Love
Gods Love
God's Love is so powerful it baffles me. God's Love is really more than we can grasp with our mind, but we can feel and experience it if we let him into our hearts. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who ever believes in him would not parish by have everlasting life. God's love is the greatest love that has ever, or will ever exist.
  God has loved us so much that he gave us dominion over all of the earth and over every living thing on the earth. I know that God's Love is an awesome thing when you really stop and think about who he is, and what He has done for us. The earth is God's, He made it and every living thing and everything not living on the Earth and everywhere else. What an expression of love to freely give to us what is rightfully His. God, out of his great Love for us not only made this world and gave it to us, not only did he give us dominion over every living thing on this earth that he created but he sent His Only Son to Die for us so that we can live with Him and be cleansed of all unrighteousness. Jesus the only begotten Son of God, not only died for us, but he taught us by example how to live and to love.

Jesus is the true leader. He is the one that knows the way, shows the way, and goes the way. The Holy Spirit will lead you into all truths if you are willing to follow. You don't need a degree in theology or any other kind of other degree. All you need is to trust in Jesus, confess what ever you have done wrong, stop doing what you know is wrong and obey what ever he speaks to your heart. The true steps to everlasting life are simple. 1. Believe Jesus is the son of God, that he die for your sin and was raised back to life again. 2. Confess that you have sinned in the eyes God. 3. Stop doing what you know is wrong and start doing what you know is right.. 4. Obey what ever God tells you to do in His word and or speaks to your heart.

  I will close with this. God's love is so great the he gave us dominion of his creation. God gave us His Son Jesus to take our blame and our death to give us life. Finally God gave us His Power! The same power the made every living thing and everything not living. Not only did God give us His Power but he has commanded us to use it. He has said to those who have excepted His gifts  and Power Of The Holy Spirit, to go and make disciples of all nations, heal the sick, cast out demons and teach the blind how to see. God has chosen to make whoever will obey Him. God make those who obey Him, His very own sons and daughters when  Believe, Confess, Repent and Obey. The truth is God's love is so awesome it is simply indescribable, so I would suggest that you do not take my word for it, but try it for yourself. See for your self first hand the sweetness and Power of God's Love. Then you will know why words can not explain How he can make you feel. Taste and see that the Lord is Good! God made the emotion of love it is no wonder why He  knows how to use it better anyone else..